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Mike Farrell< 1 min read

How to Get More in the Funnel, Green Leads CEO Mike Farrell joins the Marketing Over Coffee Podcast

In this episode of Marketing Over Coffee with Christopher Penn and John Wall, Mike ...
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Mike Farrell1 min read

5 Networking Tips for Using LinkedIn on Mobile

Events, conferences, and tradeshows are back, which leads to a good reminder of how to ...
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Mike Farrell3 min read

4 Tips on Hiring a B2B Appointment Setting Vendor, Make Sure They...

When it comes down to it, ultimately the one thing you want from your B2B appointment ...
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Mike Farrell< 1 min read

Demand Gen Experts Should Ask, 'How's Your Steak?'

We were dining at my favorite local restaurant for my oversized salad (mandated by my ...
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Michael Damphousse2 min read

5 Outbound Calling Best Practices

Dialing the phone all day is a task. I have one guy who calls it panning for gold. He'll ...
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Chris Snell3 min read

Inside Sales Managers: 4 Ways to Motivate Your Team

You'd think that in today's economy, a steady paycheck would be enough motivation to get ...
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Mike Farrell< 1 min read

Mike Farrell joins the Training Unleashed Podcast with Evan Hackel

If your company needs a new kind of functionality, should you build it or outsource it? ...
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Mike Farrell< 1 min read

Holiday Cheer Around the Green Leads Universe

This week we hosted our virtual holiday lunch. It was great to get together as a team to ...
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Mike Farrell< 1 min read

How To Use Intent Data To Find In-Market Leads, Podcast featuring Green Leads CEO Mike Farrell

Your prospects may be looking for a solution to a problem that your company can solve. ...
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Mike Farrell< 1 min read

Green Leads Named Among Best New Hampshire Advertising Companies and Startups for 2021

The Green Leads team is thrilled to announce our selection as one of New Hampshire's Best ...
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