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Mike DamphousseSep 15, 2009 2:19:00 PM< 1 min read

CMO Club Demand Gen Roundtable

The following podcast was created by Pete Krainik of The CMO CLUB:Insights from CMOs Roundtable: Demand Generation in a Social Networking World.

Social media is definitely impacting branding, service and support, but no CMO can ignore it's impact on demand gen. We discuss these issues and trends and suggest a few things CMOs should be thinking about today that can impact them in the near future.

On the panel were myself, Jon Miller, CMO at Marketo and Paul Dunay Global head of Marketing for Services at Avaya.


Mike Damphousse

Mike brings a hard-nosed, pragmatic aspect to category design, baked in from two decades as a company founder, CEO, CMO and sales executive. He understands how companies work and how to take a category plan from concept to implementation.