On a recent sales call, the prospect told me he is working with a pay-for- performance appointment setting company like Green Leads. The difference, and the reason for the call, is that he wants more meetings per month, but the other vendor is "dictating the pace" at which he gets them. Was I dreaming? Did I hear that right?
If you are paying for performance after the meeting takes place, isn't the vendor incentivized to deliver the exact number of meetings you ask for? Frankly, by not delivering the requested run rate of appointments, the vendor is (a) disappointing the client and (b) leaving money on the table.
Whether you have an internal team or an external team, whether it is pay for performance or retainer based, here are a couple of lead gen tips for you:
- You -- the demand gen specialist -- should dictate the production you are seeking.
- Establish and manage to a Service Level Agreement (SLA). If you want 20 meetings a month, then you should get 20 meetings a month. Vice versa, if you are to supply inbound leads or lists, you deliver, too.
- Vendors, as well as inside teams, are all about headcount, and that is what they are juggling -- production per person. That's their problem, not yours.
- Understand why you are not receiving your request. Is there a skill issue? A headcount problem? A list issue? Reschedule/cancel rates? Messaging? You may not own their issue, but you can understand it and help solve it.
- If you don't get what you want, make changes. It can be as drastic as replacing a vendor or laying off some deadwood, but don't live with mediocrity. You own the budget and are measured on your results.