Today at Enterprise 2.0 in Boston, Jive Software is rolling out a new agenda for social business that is worth a close look.
We all wake up on Mondays to a mountain of data, feeds, and emails. It's great to know that our best buddies "like" your latest blog article and left a comment that they miss you while they are surfing or mountain biking through your facebook fan page, or that the company we are following on LinkedIn just hired a VP of Demand Gen (nice lead for me), and that Chris Brogan just launched, which a colleague in sales recommends by retweeting a link from @chrisbrogan. That said, you still have hundreds of Google Reader articles to scan, a few new sales enablement presentations to review before publishing them to Slideshare, and two meetings to approve in the Appointment Setting queue...
I can go on, but you get the picture. In the enterprise, we are flooded with internal and external data -- nuggets of information that we find valuable or our colleagues find valuable and that we need to know in order to do a stellar job. Roll all these feeds, files, emails, tweets, micro-blogs, discussions, and public buzz into a cockpit-like environment and you have Jive What Matters, an enterprise class portal into this sea of social information that keeps us operating in real time.
My domain expertise is B2B Marketing and Sales, especially Demand Gen. Here are some use case scenarios I see for the b2b executive:
- Competition - Aggregate feeds from multiple buzz sources. Follow keywords and specific phrases that can point you to competitive intelligence.
- Opportunities - Work sales opportunities in a team mode. Follow everything about that opportunity. "Like" the feeds from the key account manager, feed in key words from the opportunity such as company name or project name, follow the status and feed updates from key decision makers in the social sphere.
- Sales Enablement - Monitor sales and marketing asset libraries. Know when files change, are upgraded, or need collaboration. Create/follow discussions focused on use case scenarios or sales tips.
- Reporting - Create feeds from certain reports that trigger when large opportunites change status, or when a company KPI changes.
- Follow Colleagues - That applications engineer from Calgary that you met last year with all the great opinions on how to demo software, follow that guy -- he's a wealth of knowledge.
- Data - Most data sources (Jigsaw, LinkedIn, etc.) allow you to create RSS feeds on specific searches. Set some up for your best prospect titles, when a new record is created with "demand gen" or "marketing operations", and funnel that feed to your data analyst for addition to your nurturing/lead queue.
- Industry Leaders - Stay abreast of the emerging thoughts and trends in the industry. Subscribe to the best in Lead Nurturing, Lead Generation, and B2B Marketing.
- Your Team - What better way to follow the activity of your team and key contributors. Follow their feeds and know what they are up to, or what makes them tick. Do the same for the execs above you.
- Buzz - Follow industry trends, keywords of interest. Take advantage of Jives Chatter Filter [play on words?] and Jive Genius. The two help filter and recommend only the best and relevant data for your needs.
- Social Graph - Visually see how your prospects are connected in the social network. Stunning representations. Make that first call a warm call by knowing who they know.
- What Matters - The Chatter Filter and Jive Genius look like promising tools that can reduce the amount of non-relevant noise coming in.
What other B2B Marketing and Sales Demand Gen use case thoughts can you find? I'm off to their launch event in Boston for some great Jive Talkin.