Thursday I did a webinar with NetProspex (Slideshare below) and in it I referenced 10 experts that I rely on for B2B Demand Gen knowledge and insights. They are listed below, and you can find them in my twitter list:
ps. Webinar Tip of the Day: Other than the person speaking, make sure all Panelists and Moderators have their phones on Mute. We had an echo for the first 6 minutes. Frustrating.
Joe Galvin | SiriusDecisions | @joegalvin |
Mike Volpe | HubSpot | @mvolpe |
Ardath Albee | MarketingInteractions | @ardath421 |
Nigel Edelshain | Sales 2.0 | @nedelsha |
Trish Bertuzzi | The Bridge Group | @bridgegroupinc |
Steve Woods | Eloqua | @stevewoods |
Simon Blackburn | ConnectAndSell | @connectandsell |
Jep Castelein | LeadSloth | @jepc |
Ann Handley | MarketingProfs | @marketingprofs |
Craig Rosenberg | Funnelholic/Focus | @funnelholic |
Scott Mersy* | | @smersy |
Mark Feldman* | Netprospex | @netprospex |
* I added Scott and Mark because I referred to them several times within the webinar, so technically speaking, they should have had the on screen credit anyway.